
Holy Eucharist - Sunday 10:00 am

Healing prayers at the font during communion

Worship for children

Service followed by fellowship


Noonday Eucharist - Wednesday & Friday 12:00 noon  - Wednesdays' services are devoted to healing.  Fridays' services are devoted to social justice matters


Directions and Parking

Each Sunday we gather to offer ourselves to God in praise and thanksgiving for our creation and for the redeeming love that we have found through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Following the ancient order of worship established by the first followers of Jesus, we move together, often forming a circle, around the important symbols of our faith: the ambo from which the Word of God is proclaimed, the baptismal font where we are recalled to the promises of the life we have chosen in God, and the altar table where we are nourished and restored by the bread of life and the cup of salvation.

This common movement is also an embodied expression of our longing for God, our yearning to draw close to the source of our being. Through this symbolic journey, we identify ourselves with one another and with generations of seekers before us, including the ancient Israelites who encountered the divine during their wandering in the desert.

In each liturgical season of the year (Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Pentecost), we change the configuration of these symbols and of our seating. The temporary sense of dislocation that we experience makes us more aware of the presence of God in our midst and the themes of the Gospel stories are more alive.

Worship Resources

The Revised Common Lectionary is a three-year cycle of Sunday Eucharistic readings in which Matthew, Mark, and Luke are read in successive years with some material from John read in each year. 

The Episcopal Book of Common Prayer is available online

The Anglican Cycle of Prayer is available.